In a Nutshel The newly passed Senate Bill 694 in East Texas, signed into law by Governor Greg Abbott and authored by State Senator Bryan Hughes, grants civil immunity to church security personnel and their organizations. This law, effective from...
In emergencies, quick access can save lives. Schools in Texas are required to provide local law enforcement and emergency responders with secure and immediate access to their facilities. Master key...
Fencing is an essential part of school safety, creating a secure perimeter that helps control access and delay intruders. The Texas Administrative Code §61.1031 sets specific standards for fencing, ensuring...
School safety relies on preventing unauthorized access, and secure vestibules are one of the most effective tools for controlling who enters a building. Texas law, under Texas Administrative Code §61.1031,...
School doors play a key role in campus safety and Texas law sets clear rules to ensure secure entry points. Here’s what the law says about doors and how schools...
The Texas Administrative Code outlines specific safety requirements for school facilities, emphasizing the need for secure glass to protect against forced entry. Under RULE §61.1031, schools are required to address...
On March 27, 2023, tragedy struck The Covenant School in Nashville, Tennessee. A shooter entered the school by firing through the glass doors at the main entrance. This allowed immediate...
Ensuring the safety of schools, churches, businesses, and government facilities requires a layered approach to security. At the heart of effective safety measures are time barriers—deliberate obstacles designed to slow...
The Critical Role of Lockable Classroom Doors in School Safety In 2015, the Sandy Hook Advisory Commission issued an important school safety report highlighting the significance of lockable classroom doors....
Understanding Insurance Exclusions for Security Teams Establishing a security team in your church brings important considerations, especially concerning your insurance coverage. An armed team introduces additional risks that may not...
When considering safety and security, a lot of churches depend on volunteer church security teams. These teams are often comprised of individuals devoted to keeping their church family safe and...
The concept of leakage in threat assessment plays a crucial role in identifying potential threats and preventing harmful incidents. Leakage refers to the communication of an intent to harm a...
When it comes to training, adhering to a structured and systematic learning approach can greatly enhance the effectiveness and safety of the training provided. The 'Tell, Show, Do, Review' method...
Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) is a multidisciplinary approach that aims to deter criminal behavior by improving the design of the built environment. By reducing disputes, and violence, and...
The Routine Activities Theory, developed by renowned criminologist Marcus Felson, has been a significant framework for examining and addressing crimes at various places, including churches and schools. This theory asserts...
Creating safer educational environments is a critical concern in modern education, and the role of school safety drills is pivotal in this context. Traditional approaches, characterized by their predictability, are...
Attracting Assault is a concept that has been studied for decades to better understand the dynamics between perpetrators and victims in assault situations. Researchers have analyzed various factors such as...
In recent years, the issue of security in houses of worship has become a growing concern. Responding to these concerns, Texas adopted a law allowing churches, synagogues, and other established...
Stop the Bleed is a national campaign aimed at training and empowering bystanders to take action in a bleeding emergency before professional help arrives. Incorporating Stop the Bleed training into...
Hoax bomb threats in educational settings create a complex challenge for schools. These threats, although not involving actual explosives, produce significant disruptions to the learning environment and require a comprehensive...
Portable instructional buildings have become an essential part of many educational institutions, providing additional classroom space and flexibility. Ensuring safety within these structures is extremely important, as outlined in the...
TEC 38.030 Traumatic Injury Response Protocol is a regulation designed to help Texas schools be better prepared for situations involving traumatic injuries. It requires each Texas school district and open-enrollment...
Church security teams are responsible for ensuring the safety and well-being of their congregation members, staff, and visitors. This safety mission can only be achieved through effective communication practices, both...
In today's world, ensuring the safety and security of church members and facilities has become a vital concern for congregations. Establishing a church security team can significantly contribute to maintaining...
A well-crafted vision and mission statement play an essential role in the successful operation of a church security team. Developing a clear and impactful vision and mission statement can help...
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